22 Mar 2008 How Happy Are You?
 |  Category: Oprah Show, Uncategorized

Satisfaction with Life Scale

Quiz developed by Ed Diener at the




From the show How Happy Are You?

How satisfied are you? To find out, read the following five statements. Then, use the 1–7 scale to rate your level of agreement and add your answers together.

1 = Not at all true
4 = Moderately True
7 = Absolutely True

·  In most ways, my life is close to ideal.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

·  The conditions of my life are excellent.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

·  I am satisfied with my life.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

·  So far I have gotten the important things I want in life.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

·  If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.

Kalo gw menjawab dengan jujur tes yang gw download dari Oprah di atas, kayaknya NGGAK or mungkin lebih tepatnya BELUM deh. Mungkin score gw moderate kali ya.

Gw rasanya belum sampai ke ultimate happiness. Banyak hal dalam hidup gw yang ga ingin gw ubah, tapi banyak juga yang pingin gw ubah or I wish if they would be different. Berapa banyak sih orang-orang yang mengidamkan apa yang sekarang ini gw miliki. Suami yang sangat baik dan anak-anak yang very gorgeous. Tapi di lain sisi, gw merasa ada yang belum lengkap di hidup gw.

Gw kurang bahagia bukan karena iri sama orang atau berharap untuk memiliki apa yang orang lain miliki. Gw kurang bahagia karena merasa belum memaksimalkan potensi yang ada di dalam diri. Merasa belum berada in the right path of what I’ve should become. Merasa belum bring out all of my potentials.

Merasa belum berada di jalur kejatian diri yang benar. Meanwhile, I even don’t know exactly what do I really want.

Gw ngerasa sumbangan gw ke masyarakat dan lingkungan sosial nihil. Belum exist lah intinya.

Barusan gw nonton Oprah. There’s two things of the expert DR. Robert Holden said that strucked me. Sebenernya ini udah sering dibahas di pengajian sih. Intinya sama persis, meskipun pembahasaannya berbeda. Check this out!

Dr. Holden says the key to being happy is overcoming "destination addiction," which he defines as "living in the not-now."

"It’s always about tomorrow, so you’re chasing ‘more,’ ‘next’ and ‘there,’" he says. "You promise yourself that when you get there, you’ll be happy. And I promise you, you won’t, because you’ll always set another destination to go for."

Many times, KZ my mentor said, Jadi Manusia Hari Ini! As I  wrote of what I’ve  ever read: Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

And the second is: Dr. Holden says that chronic complainers like Reggie, Oprah’s make up artist, actually live in fear of happiness. Their condition—which he dubs "happy-chondria"—is based on a belief that any happiness carries an eventual fall and price.

"Rather than have everything be perfect and full, I’ll have it be quite good and complain," he says. "Reggie’s got to dare to let life be great, and trust that happiness can happen and that it can last."

Wah, gw banget tuh! Karena gw percaya bahwa hidup ini adalah siklus yang turun naik. Maka gw kerap khawatir untuk naik, karena pasti akan ada kejatuhan yang mengikuti setelahnya. Kadang gw lupa, bahwa sebenernya setelah kejatuhan itu pasti akan ada kebangkitan kembali. Ini nih yang bikin gw kerapkali jadi orang yang pessimistic rather than optimistic.

I need a major breaktrough!

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One Response

  1. Wah,wah..berat nih bahasannya…Thx tuk blog ini, membuat aku ingin berpikir lebih dalam lagi…

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